Who is Vivek Rangabhashyam?
Vivek Rangabhsahyam has been a 3D Animation Specialist and has worked for a couple of big franchise movies and many educational videos. Early in his career, he got an opportunity to work in ‘GXBO’, a Google project that helps people get their businesses online. The R&D experience at Google along with the mentoring he received during his time there, helped in getting into entrepreneurship. He started Markitome – a Digital Marketing Agency in 2013.
Vivek joined organizations like BNI (Business Networking International), TiE (The Indus Entrepreneur), NEN (National Entrepreneurship Network) among many others and being an introvert, he forced himself out of his comfort zone and started networking and learned how to build relationships with business owners across the globe. By 2014, he became the Support Ambassador in BNI Hyderabad and gained notable visibility across India. “Networking was a very important skill I developed. Without it, I’m not sure we would have achieved the level of success we did” says Vivek Rangabhashyam.
2014 was a distinguishing year for Vivek. He decided to aid startups across India by investing, mentoring and consulting. He invested in a Mobile-App development company in Chennai and a Mixed Reality (MR) Technology company that dealt in virtual tours for apartments and villas in Bangalore and in the year 2016 he co-founded a financial services company named Sea Ridges Financial Service (SRFS) at Hyderabad. Being active in the media world, consulting in spaces in pre-school setups, education and training, technology, pharmaceutical and more industries. Vivek has taken up the responsibility of motivating young minds who dream of being entrepreneurs. He actively delivers guest lectures at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad (JNTU), Osmania University (OU) and their affiliated Engineering, MBA and Degree colleges and actively consults with startups across the world.
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You have the opportunity to work with some of the top of mines in the world of Digital Marketing
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We currently operate in Los Angeles, California, USA and Hyderabad, Telangana, India. We are always looking to grow our team and working towards increasing our reach.